Preparing for Winter

Preparing for the next season is something I enjoy. I like to think of how blessed we are, that we can enjoy 4 seasons in one year. Each one of them is so beautiful in their own way. Such variety, such beauty, and the sights and smells are so unique in their own time.

Right now I'd like to just briefly share how I like to prepare for winter before it gets here. 

"She is not afraid of the snow for her household: 
for all her household are clothed with scarlet."
Proverbs 31: 21

First of all, it's important to prepare myself, because so much of life is a matter of mind set. I need to think of ways to make beautiful memories during the cold and cloudy season of winter. Not that it's always that way, because there are also beautiful sunny days where the ice and snow make such neat patterns on the windows. The trees are so laden with ice. If we just take time to look around, winter is beautiful. I need to have that mind set. To prepare projects, or events to do in the winter that I don't do in the summer is another reason to look forward to winter. To prepare to do a Bible Study with a few friends is also so rewarding.

Secondly I like to prepare to have extra food and water on had in case of a hydro interruption. Food like beans, potatoes, rice, pasta, canned foods like, soups, sauces. It feels good to know that if there's a snow storm, or a power outage we're not at the end of our resources. Lamps, candles, and lighters are important to have. These are just a few things, but feel free to comment and share what you do to prepare.

I also like to purchase a few medical supplies to help with the flu and cold. There are so many things we can do for ourselves to leave the hospital waiting room for those who really need it. To put our family on vitamins for winter is important.

I'm looking forward to this winter. I'm planning cozy afternoons with the girls in my life, tea times, and connecting with friends over a hot drink, and a cheerful conversations

My favorite smells for winter are apple cinnamon, and orange. Ahhh!
My daughters and I go to Sparta Candles every fall to purchase candles that have come to remind us of winter. It's become a tradition that we look forward to.

Share comments on things that you do to prepare for winter, or maybe this has prompted you to look around for ideas. Share them with us. 

By: Teana Wiebe

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