Blessing the Sick and Widows
I was just a little girl when my mom would call me in from play, tell me to wash my hands and face and change my dress. She had a job for me. Bring a plate to the neighbors. On the plate would be whatever had been baked in moms kitchen on that particular day or a home cooked meal. My mom has always been a person that loves doing for others. Its a gift that she has passed on to us, her daughters. I can't ever remember her telling us to visit the sick, or prepare a meal for someone that needs it. It was simply learned by watching her do it. It was a normal part of our lives to give. We never had much when we were all growing up, but we always had enough to share. I believe we all ought to be involved in blessing the sick and the widows. (Galations 6:2. Luke 6:31. Luke 6:38. 1Thesssalonians 5:11. 1 John 3:17) I have a family member that has been really really sick for the past year and she's been in and out of the hospital more t...